Green valley and wild canyon: to the Tierser Alpl hut at the foothills of the imposing Denti di Terrarossa mountains
You can start the hike at Hotel Cyprianerhof in San Cipriano or at Tschaminschwaige right after Lavina Bianca and hike through the green Ciamin Valley on a forest road and later on path no. 3 to Rechter Leger.
At the end of the Ciamin Valley (1890m) you do not take the right path to Grasleiten hut, but take the northern route through the wild Buco dell'Orso (bears's hole) canyon. The ascent is implemented on rocky terrain and requires training and a secure step. The upper part is secured in some parts. At an altitude of 2350m you will see the path coming from the Schlern Houses. From here you reach Tierser Alpl in about 15 minutes. Return on the same route.